Public Engagement
Since 1995 to 2010 director of the Italian Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT-IT), the first CERT founded in Italy and among the
first in Europe
1997: designer of the security architecture of the first web site of
the Italian Parlament
Vice Chairman of the FIRST (Forum of Incident and Response Security
Teams) Conference on Secuirty and Incident Handling, held in Brisbane
(AU) in 1999
Chairman of the FIRST (Forum of Incident and Response Security
Teams) Conference on Secuirty and Incident Handling, held in Chicago
in 2000
Co-Founder and President (2000 - 2004) of the Italian Association
for Cybersecurity (CLUSIT), now Honorary President
Since 2002 to 2006 he has been appointed by the Minister of
Technologies and Innovation (On. Lucio Stanca), member of the "Comitato
Tecnico Nazionale per la Sicurezza Informatica e delle
Telecomunicazioni per la Pubblica Amministrazione"
Since 2003 to 2007 he has been appointed by the Minister of
Telecommunications (On. Maurizio Gasparri) President of the
self-regulatory body on Internet and Minors
Since 2003 to 2008 he served as member of the Comitato Scientifico
of the "Polizia Postale e delle Telecomunicazioni"
Since 2004 to 2014 he served as advisor to many public and private
institutions among them: AIPA (Autorità Informatica per la Pubblica
Amministrazione, subsequently CNIPA), Polizia Postale per le
Comunicazioni, Camera dei Deputati, Ministero dell'Innovazione,
Ministero delle Telecomunicazioni, Associazione Bancaria Italiana,
Autorità Garante per la Privacy, Ferrovie dello Stato, Galileo
2008: team leader of the the first italian Ethical Hacking Team admitted to the DEFCON finals, where we ranked
5th, the first academic team.
Since 2009 to 2019 he served first as councilor and then as mayor of
the city council of a small town (population 4700) in the province of